Tuesday, October 09, 2007

nappy-free... at night

Colin is officially nappy free during nighttime. Yey! It's one milestone for him (us) again. Last night was the first time we tried going nappy-less for bedtime. Yes, it was extra effort for Mommy but it was all well worth it! I had to wake up twice last night just to have him pee (even while he was asleep mind you). He didn't become cranky at all when I had to drag him from bed to put him on his potty. Before going to bed I had him pee first then I kept on reminding him to wake up Mommy when he feels like going. But lil ol me just opted to wake up in the middle of the night to make him go. He he... So hopefully this will be the start. We just have to keep at the routine until he gets used to it.

By the way, we tried going nappy-free too while out. It was ok... though we had to make frequent trips to the loo and he only wants to go with Mommy and you know how long the lines can get for women's bathroom. Good if the bathroom for disabled is free... but if it's not, it'll be a long wait. So next time we went out he requested if he can wear nappy. I didn't push on going nappy-free... at least not just yet. Will try to give him more time. At least we tried and that's a start.

1 comment:

Kitty said...

talaga Jen?! cool! all SM kaya sya? hmmm... ma check nga... hehehe... thanks for the info =)