Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Overrated Things

Tagged by Joy.

Here's my list and this is in no order. But I have to warn you, these are just my opinions so some may agree, some might not... he he he...

* Playstation, Xbox, then now the Wii - we really don't own one but it's only now we (errr, Colin) gets to play with one (PS1) courtesy of his Tito
* expensive photo studios
* autumn in New York City
* Religion - please, need I say more...
* anything Organic
* Starbucks
* Ipods - just too much
* Havaianas - sorry to all the Havies lovers... he he he
* Crocs - same goes for this...
* Blogging :p

Now I'm tagging Melisse, Mich, Tet.


Mich said...

thanks for tag, sis! will do it soon! ;)

Joy said...

thanks for doing the tag kitts!